14 October 2009

From Hanscom to DC

11-12 Oct 09—We left Massachusetts Sunday morning around 10 AM heading south, ultimately thru parts of New York, New Jersey, Delaware and into Maryland. And everything was going smoothly until we hit the Bronx in NY…we had to get off an exit previous to the one we planned because of a detour, and the detour took us onto the small streets of the Bronx! Until you have driven in a 40 ft RV on the tiny streets of these old cities with all their traffic you don’t really know what stress is. We had to take a turn at one point that we barely made without hitting a pole…I thought we were going to have to unhitch the car to back up…and you all know how that would have gone over with the neighborly New Yorkers. Fortunately, Cathy made the turn with only inches to spare, and we averted a potential slugfest.

Back on the road again, everything was going fine until we had to pay the toll to get off the New Jersey turnpike…how about $25.00!!!??? And that was followed shortly by the $16.00 toll to get over the Delaware Memorial Bridge….followed by the $7.00 toll for a short section of the Delaware Turnpike, and finally the $9.00 toll to get thru the Ft McHenry Tunnel in Maryland. Cathy has vowed she is never coming to this part of the Northeast again! We will have to find another route, because she means it! haha

We pulled into Andrews AFB early Monday afternoon, were escorted by the Security Forces people to the armory to store our gun, then escorted to the Famcamp where we set up for the next 2 weeks. This Famcamp is a little “woodsier” than the one in Massachusetts, but it is right next to one of the three golf courses they have here, so it is in a nice area. For those of you not familiar with the area, this is where the president flies out of on Air Force One, thus the 3 golf courses! Anyway, we got some tourism flyers and handouts from the Famcamp office, and spent the evening figuring out what to do for our first venture into DC on Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Howdy!

    I would have loved to have been a fly on the windshield when you were driving through the Bronx!


