28 October 2009

South Carolina

28 Oct 09--Hit Charleston, SC late this afternoon, waiting till tomorrow to go into town. There looks like there will be some good stuff to see...Fort Sumter, where the Civil War kicked off, some plantations, etc. So I should have some better pictures than just the trees at the Famcamp!

While we are waiting for those though, I thought I would show you a couple pictures that may be of interest to my former military friends, and Christopher, seeing as he is always concerned as to where his tax dollars are going.

These 2 pictures here are the new base housing at Andrews AFB...in Maryland. There was certainly never any base housing like this when I was in.

And these are of the Dining hall and gym here in South Carolina. Chris, notice in the Dining Hall they have a large-screen TV. And this is the first base I have ever been to that actually lets retirees eat breakfast and dinner in the dining hall. They said they thnk they are the only one.

Sorry, everyone else will have to wait for the good stuff tomorrow.


  1. This is good stuff! and the pictures make it even better stuff! Keep it coming.

  2. Hey, how did you get away with taking pictures on the base? I thought you could not do that?

  3. I actually thought someone might say something...but I was quick...so noone had time to react!

  4. Very nice I wish I was stationed there

  5. Couldn't just be a tv had to be a flat screen plasma, waist of tax payer money!
