30 August 2010

OK, I Admit It!

30 Aug 2010--OK, I admit it, I am in love with Utah!!! We drove 260 miles today, southwest from Moab to Panguich, and I took over 150 pictures along the way. Not to worry...I did not post them all here. haha

What I did post here are some of the best shots of the drive. What I noticed along the way more than anything was how quickly the scenery changed around us. You go from red rock to yellow rock and then to green or white. And look at the different configurations! What was most amazing is that for the 1st 120 miles outside Moab we didn't see a single house. So although we drove 260 miles, all the pics you see here of the different mountains and landscapes were taken within the 1st 120 miles of our drive. I think there are 24 pics here before the one with the house in it.

We only stopped at one roadside display, this one here about the San Rafael Reef. We had to drive thru it, so we stopped to learn a little and stretch our legs at the same time.
With Fluffy at the top of the hill overlooking the Reef.
Driving thru the San Rafael Reef.
Continuing on our journey.

We are staying in Panguitch, founded by the Mormons (surprise!) in 1864, for a week. The Paiute Indians named the town, which means "big fish" in their language.


  1. Is this a teeny town? What will you be seeing while you are staying in this place? OH...Zion?
    Great scenery. One thing tho...and yes, I'm weird for noticing dumb stuff - the ninth pic after 'continuing our journey'. Do you think the road guys had a few when they were drawing those lines on the road. :P

  2. Good Morning!!! My 2 favorite pics are the first one and the one with the 2 lane highway divided by grass and a rock formation. I love that one and of course my path pics. Keep them coming.
    How appropo I am listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir-the patriotic ones.

  3. I noticed that too, Barb...almost makes you queasy just looking at it.

    We will see Kodachrome, Cedar Breaks, Bryce Canyon Nat'l Park...Zion isn't till we get to Kanab.

    Marie, I thought that road with the rock formation in the middle was pretty cool, too. But I have a hard time picking a favorite...when I click on them, most of them look like a painting to me...like they are not real!

    Make sure to keep the Tabernacle CD handy, we will need it next 4th of July!

  4. The picture right above the video to the right is beautiful. Should be called the "high road to heaven". I believe it is a road in the picture, please correct me if I am wrong.
    Great picture of the FedEx truck. I guess it is true that they deliver anywhere.
    Since you are in love with Utah does that mean you may become a Mormon? Inadvertently I typed Moron...glad I caught that before I posted my comment. I think I definitely would have been deleted from your blog with that one!
    As always, great pictures, videos, and comments.

  5. It seems hard to believe that somewhere else is going to be as pretty as Utah.
    So if the Grand Canyon stinks, just use some of the pictures you didn't post of Utah!!!haha

  6. Arlene, the picture you are talking about is the stitch picture, it has a road going thru it as you suspected, and it is the same road as shown in the 2nd video. I am still reading "Mormonism Made Easier", so the jury is still out on the conversion...I will keep you posted, tho!

    Ellen, you summed up my fear in a nutshell! And I have so many more pics that I haven't posted, no one would be the wiser! haha
