19 May 2010

The Land of Enchantment

19 May 2010-So they call New Mexico "The Land of Enchantment", but you wouldn't know it by the ride we had today from Texas. Basically we had a 4 hour drive viewing nothing but mostly flat land, interrupted only occasionally by an oil well or dairy farm.

One good thing about the ride was that somewhere along the road we passed into the Mountain time zone, so we gained an hour on the day. We are now 1 hour behind San Antonio and 2 hours behind Boston/Tallahassee.

So we got to Roswell just after noon and found our RV Park. The woman who owns the place is very nice, she even established this "alien cemetery" on the grounds.

And she came outside to take this picture of me, Cathy and Fluffy by her alien flag pole.

The town of Roswell has only about 50,000 people, so the UFO Museum is about the biggest thing to see here. As soon as we set up the RV we headed straight downtown (about 10 minutes away) to see it.
As soon as we entered, Ralf was there to meet us!

There were lots of exhibits and pictures, from drawings of what people over the years have said the aliens looked like, to actual newspaper clips of the time in 1947 that people believe a spaceship crashed right around Roswell.

This is a funny picture, huh?

The picture with the General and the "balloon" is faked.

What really happened? Who knows?

From the museum we checked out a couple stores and walked around the main tourist area. From the store fronts to the streets, everything here is all alien, all the time.
Isn't this a cool t-shirt? And who could turn down an "Alien" beer? A friend of mine told me they sell it here and wants me to pick up a six-pack for her husband.
The same store that had the t-shirt and beer was selling these books about Marilyn Monroe and Hitler...and their relationship to UFOs!

Even the streetlights have an alien theme! And they have placed alien footprints walking down one of the main streets.

Now these pictures are unrelated to the Museum or aliens, but I took them as we were riding around because I find them quite interesting. Cathy tells me that no one is interested in something like this, but I find it fascinating that we saw these houses either on the same street or literally around the corner from each other. Only in Charleston, SC have I seen such disparities in wealth living so close together. Anyone else find that interesting, or is Cathy right? haha


  1. I do find it interesting. How does that happen?
    Let me know if you see any aliens.

  2. I like the drinking glasses in the pic of the beer.
    Regarding the houses-yes, it is interesting, but I'm not sure the disparity is conveyed when the pictures are separate.
    Do they have organized tours for alien hunting - cause that is what I'd want to do.
    Did you guys go to Carlsbad?

  3. We haven't seen any aliens yet, and I haven't seen any alien tours advertised, so I am just going to take everyone's word for it that they were here at one time. haha

    And Barb, the disparity is conveyed because I said it was conveyed...haven't you learned that yet? haha

    We are going to go to Carlsbad Caverns on our way back to San Antonio..to go there on this leg of the trip was too far out of the way.
