21 May 2010

On to Santa Fe!

21 May 2010-Left for Santa Fe early, about a 200 mile drive. As in the southern part of the state, it was pretty flat and uneventful for about the 1st 100 miles. There are some sheep in this picture below, and we didn't see much more than that for about 2 hours.

We went through 2 towns in a row that looked like ghost towns. This is Encino, the 2nd town, because I didn't have the presence of mind to take pictures of the 1st town we went thru that looked just like this. Notice the Hotel "Menagement" sign, and the last picture on the right is advertising for "Office and Shop Space Available--Water & Dirt"! What the heck does that mean?

We thought this sign was funny...it was right after a school bus stop sign. There was absolutely nothing out there, so we can't imagine what kids would be crossing the street.

We did finally see some antelope. This was really the only group we saw, all the others were single antelope just hanging out. That surprised us because years ago when we were driving to Montana you would see a couple hundred all together...maybe it was mating season?!

Along the way we had to let Fluffy out to do her business. In the 2nd picture she sneezed just as I was taking it...look at her ears, doesn't she look like a little pig from the back?

Finally Santa Fe was in site, and the closer we got the more mountainous the area became, so it was much prettier than the southern part of the state.

We initially passed thru Santa Fe. We were supposed to go to an RV Park about 20 miles north of the city. Check out these bridges crossing the highway. I think the names on them are the names of the towns we are going thru.

And these are pictures of rock walls along the side of the road, used to shore up the hills behind them. Very artful, huh?!

When we got to the RV Park we were supposed to be staying, they had given our spot away to another traveller, so we had to find another place to stay at the last minute. The RV parks here are surprisingly full for this time of year...or so we thought till we saw all the casinos. I think there are a lot of Indian Reservations here, thus the casinos. Anyway, so guess where we are for the next three days???

That's right! We are literally on the grounds of the rodeo...backed up to the pens where they keep the bulls, horses and cows when the rodeo is in town. Fortunately for us, the annual rodeo isn't until July, so there were only a few animals here...right behind us.

Seeing as no one was around, I saddled up a horse and took a few turns around the arena!!!! What style, huh?


  1. Paula, I'd pay good money to see you try to get on a horse, let alone throw a rope around over your head.
    It's funny but I saw that picture of the fluffer nutter and DID think it was a pig.
    So does that mean you have to run the generator the whole time?

  2. Give me a break. It's as good as me doing the high jump.

  3. I have ridden a horse before Barb...and no, we don't have to run the generator, we actually have water, elkectric and sewer here.

    Hallie, the difference between us is that I know my rodeo picture is a fake, while you really think you did the high jump!!! haha

  4. Hi guys, great pictures. The picture of fluffy is priceless

  5. Ellen, you didn't notice me practicing my roping skills?

  6. good humor and Fluffy does look like a pig!
